Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Goings On

It is high time I updated this blog.  It's been over 3 months since I last wrote.  A lot has happened.

In about mid-November, I broke my toe.  I couldn't walk properly for 3 weeks, and couldn't exercise or run for much longer.  Around this time, I also got a new job.  So it was one terrible thing followed by one awesome thing.  The job also kept me from going to the gym often, as I had to focus and put lots of hours in.  I was doing 10 hour days, so I was frequently passing on the gym.  In more recent weeks, I have revisited my gym schedule and have put more effort into making the time.  I now do at least 2 classes per week, have a 3rd as a "I'd better do it, but if I miss it it's not the end of the world", and then I try to fit in my own little workout, whether it's on a treadmill or something.

But I'm getting ahead of myself!  Back to my toe injury.

The horror.  I was limping around, taking the TTC to work every day, trying to rest my foot and leg at all possible moments...  I grew lazy and tired as I limped around and didn't want to walk anywhere.  It took a while for the residual pain to wear off.  I think I had phantom broken toe syndrome of some kind, because even when I was sure it had to be ok, I could still feel twinges of pain when I bent my toe even slightly out of alignment.  It screwed up my workout regimen, and put me behind quite a bit.  I haven't fully recovered from this setback, partly because it was so long that I'd been off my feet, but also because it happened just before I got this new job.  The injury timeout bled into the "I have to work fifty-six hours per day" sentiment, and voila.  No gym.

But now I'm back, and I'm back with a vengeance.  There is not a day that passes by that I don't think about the 10K run that got me started on this trip, and the 10K that's coming up in May (yes, I signed up for the Sporting Life 10K again, so I'll be aiming to beat both my previous 10k times).  The weather outside has been miserable.  It's the coldest Toronto winter that I can remember, and one of the snowiest in this city.  It's been slippery and treacherous, so running (avec or sans Ben) has not been an option.  I swear, though, that the first warmer (as in not -20C), dry day that comes along, I'm going to strap on my shoes and get out there for a nice jog around the neighbourhood.  You can only do so much on a treadmill.

In other exciting news, Ben and Susana both joined Goodlife, so Marie and I have some new workout buddies.  We're all gung ho about the place.  Ben likes to swim, and now that I work in a store that sells amazing swimwear, I figure I should join him.  In fact, I just bought a swimsuit today, so once my goggles and swim cap come in (on order right now), I'm going to join him.

Working in a building that houses a gym has certainly raised my bar a bit higher.  Now that I take care of ordering and selling fitness and sports equipment, I feel the need to further educate myself about these things, as well as get super duper in shape. I have let myself slide these past few months, but I think with the warmer weather just around the corner, I'm starting to wake up to the fact that this life is not ok and that I need to move my booty!

Tomorrow, however, there will be not workout for me.  I am doing a wonderful, relaxing spa day with Esther and Rachel.  Monday I can work and workout, but Sunday I will rest, sit in a hot tub, and sooth my body and soul.

I promise, my dear internet, that I will not neglect you for so long again - unless I have a very good excuse.  A broken toe just doesn't cut it.  Until next week.

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