Friday, June 28, 2013

Just Dream

You know when you have a dream that affects you so deeply that the whole next day you feel like the world has changed?  I had one of those Tuesday night.  It wasn't a particularly spectacular or crazy dream, but I did wake up feeling a strange sense of awe and a little bit of longing to live in a world where what can happen in dreams is normal - where we can fly, jump across canyons, and, yes, on occasion freeze in our spots and not be able to run despite the urgent need to.

I want to live in a world where multiple venomous snakes bite me, but I'm ok because they're just curious.  I want to live in a world where I'm watching Buffy fight vampires from above, and then suddenly I am the person fighting vampires.  I want to live in a world where people you don't talk to are suddenly your best friends, and where you and your brother getting chosen by NASA for a special space mission is the norm.

My dreams have often affected me in so many ways, both emotionally and physically.  I've woken up crying, laughing, sick, and singing, all reactions to the images in my head.  I've shared dreams with friends, bonded over their wackiness, and analysed them for fun.  Dreams come from deep within us, and I think that they communicate a lot of important things to us.  They can lead us to good (or bad), but most of all, I believe that they make us think about things we might have brushed off from the day, or make us anticipate something coming up.

I would be lost without my dreams.  They give me something to look forward to every night.  I don't remember all my dreams, and sometimes I have unsettling dreams that I wish I didn't remember.  But on the whole, they are a fascinating phenomenon, and I consider myself lucky to remember so many at my age.

(Side note: I'm looking forward to the long weekend.  I'll be doing some great activities, and I'll provide an activity update perhaps on Monday night (Canada Day)!)

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