Sunday, June 9, 2013

Leaving the Comfort Zone

In recent weeks, I've really started believing in the practice of doing something every day that scares you.  I'm not going to be jumping into a pit of vipers or trying to walk across the 401 anytime soon, and I think it's more appropriate if I replace the words "scares you" with "is new".  But I've definitely opened up to practicing this philosophy on a weekly - rather than daily - basis (baby steps, folks.  Baby steps).  From networking to having conversations with strangers to trying a new fitness class, these are all activities that bring something new into my life.  So far, I've had positive results.

It's similar to building muscle.  If you do the same exercise within the same parameters every day, your body will get used to it.  At a certain point you stop building new muscle.  But if you change it up - add some weight, try a different technique, work a different muscle you don't normally use - you can continue to build.

Today, I helped my parents garden.  It involved lots of sweeping while dodging giant, thorny rose bushes (great for the abs and glutes… hah!), and lifting heavy cement benches and marble tables.  This was all after I'd done the intense BodyShred class in the morning, followed by a long walk around the city.  Hello, bed.  I've never been so happy to see you before.

Finally, I want to share this picture.  It reminds me of Marie, my fitness hero:

Because she can do all of them.

1 comment:

  1. And soon you too will do all of them, and then some :) (for the record, I can do about 20...that's it!)
